11615 County Road 108, Oxford, FL 34484 • Just west of Wal-Mart in The Villages® community on CR 466

(352) 748-9004

Sanitizing your vehicle during the age of Covid-19.

Sanitizing your vehicle during the age of Covid-19.

The world is very different now than it was just a few months ago. With a global pandemic in the midst, every outing needs to be carefully planned with proper precautions. We know we need mask and hand sanitizer and to wash our hands frequently, but cannot forget to make sure we sanitize our vehicle every we time we drive.

Experts warn that COVID 19 can be spread by touching something that has the virus on it then touching other objects. Washing our hands is the best defense against contact spread. The virus can live on different surfaces anywhere from a few hours to days and can linger in the air for hours after an infected person has been through the area. When you are in your car, you don't have the luxury of soap and water. You can't help but touch many surfaces inside and outside of your vehicle.

Think of all of the knobs, buttons, seat belt buckles, and the steering wheel that is touched after entering your vehicle. If you just returned from a trip to the store, you could have the virus on your hands from touching the buggy, groceries, and the keypad at checkout.

This is why it is essential to sanitize your vehicle after every use to prevent the chance of touching the virus the next time you get into your car. Fortunately, cleaning the inside of your car is very simple and takes a clean rag and at 70% isopropyl alcohol. It only takes a gentle touch to wipe down high touchpoints quickly. Make sure never to use abrasive products or any cleaning agents with ammonia that could strip away the surfaces on the dashboard, consoles, and sensitive electrical components. A quick spraying of the inside of your vehicle with Lysol is a good idea after wiping down key areas.

Contact our team at Accurso Auto Repair for any questions you may have and to schedule vehicle repair.

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Vehicle Safety Information

Get up-to-date vehicle and car seat safety information

Vehicle Recalls

Please select the year, make and model of your vehicle and Accurso Auto Repair will search the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for any active recalls on your vehicle.

Child Safety Seat Inspection Stations

Make sure your child safety seat(s) are installed correctly at one of the thousands of nationwide child safety seat inspection stations, certified by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).


Finally heading out on a road trip? Get your vehicle checked first!

Finally heading out on a road trip? Get your vehicle checked first!

The days of the pandemic are finally on the mend. Now we can take our masks off and breathe a sigh of relief and take that road trip we were planning last Summer. Taking a road trip with the whole gang is a staple in some families, and it has probably been a while since most family members have seen each other face to face. Before you set off on this adventure, making a checklist is probably one of the most important things to do. At the very top of your list shouldn't be to bring extra underwear or an extra toothbrush; nope, it should be to make sure your vehicle can handle the drive!

Finish reading Finally heading out on a road trip? Get your vehicle checked first! ...

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 20 seconds

What's That Noise and What Does it Mean?

What's That Noise and What Does it Mean?

Hearing a funny sound coming from your vehicle is never a good thing. Cars can make different noises from time to time. A squealing when you stop usually means your brake pads need to be inspected. 

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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 9 seconds

What's coming with the Apple Car?

What's coming with the Apple Car?

The Apple Car has been in speculation for years now. Everyone has always wondered when the billion-dollar company would be manufacturing cars. And now, that might actually be happening.

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Estimated reading time: 1 minute
