Automotive News

Finally heading out on a road trip? Get your vehicle checked first!
The days of the pandemic are finally on the mend. Now we can take our masks off and breathe a sigh of relief and take that road trip we were planning last Summer. Taking a road trip with the whole gang is a staple in some families, and it has probably been a while since most family members have seen each other face to face. Before you set off on this adventure, making a checklist is probably one of the most important things to do. At the very top of your list shouldn't be to bring extra underwear or an extra toothbrush; nope, it should be to make sure your vehicle can handle the drive!
Is it necessary to go through an inspection before you take your vehicle on a long road trip?
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Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 20 seconds

What's That Noise and What Does it Mean?
Hearing a funny sound coming from your vehicle is never a good thing. Cars can make different noises from time to time. A squealing when you stop usually means your brake pads need to be inspected.
Brake squealing occurs for many reasons. Most brake pads begin making noise when they have worn down to their last 25%. This squealing noise is often an indication that it's time for a brake inspection and possible replacement.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 9 seconds

What's coming with the Apple Car?
The Apple Car has been in speculation for years now. Everyone has always wondered when the billion-dollar company would be manufacturing cars. And now, that might actually be happening.
It was reported in December 2020 that Apple plans to produce a passenger vehicle by 2024, which is actually quite soon. The Apple car will, of course, be electric and self-driving. In 2017, Apple gained a permit from the California Department of Motor Vehicles to test self-driving cars. It seems Apple is definitely in the development of electric cars, but it seems they are trying to keep it on the down-low.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Some auto repair work should not be DIY projects.
In days past, it was not uncommon for people to pop the hood of their car and fix everything themselves, but with today's ever-changing world of automotive technology, DIY repairs are quickly becoming a thing of the past. While we definitely encourage learning as much as you can about your vehicle and even knowing how to perform basic maintenance, many repairs on newer cars require precision instruments. Here are five car repairs you should always leave in the hands of a professional, certified auto mechanic:
1. Diagnostics - check engine diagnostics deal with the computer within your car. Trying to perform a "quick fix" by just turning the light off not only doesn't fix the problem but also leaves room for many more issues to occur without you knowing.
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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 4 seconds

What is in Store for New Cars in 2021 and beyond?
Everyone is hoping 2021 will be a better year than 2020. Despite the pandemic, the auto manufacturing industry has been busy creating new and unique cars, trucks, and SUVs. Check out what's currently new and coming soon for 2021 and beyond!
Smart Technology
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Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 1 second

What is the weather like during the holidays in The Villages® Community Florida?
It’s finally the holiday season! After a long, rough year, I think we can all say we are excited about the holidays, Christmas especially. Many of us have families visiting us from all across America since everyone wants to be in The Villages® Community, Florida, during the winter. But, what kind of weather can we expect during Christmas and for other holidays?
Florida is a very humid state. It rains almost every day here in some places. However, during December, the rain doesn’t happen as often. It’s mostly just chilly, sunny, or even cloudy days, during December. The Villages® Community is located in Central Florida, so it has the best of both worlds.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 17 seconds

What can a check engine light mean?
You are running late on a Monday morning, and you crank up your car only to have a "check engine light" dinging in your face. You wonder to yourself if this is something that should be taken to the mechanic right away or can it wait a while.
We've all been guilty of driving around for days or even weeks with our check engine light on. How do we know it is really important or just something minor like the low wiper fluid?
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 18 seconds

What is Apple Carkey?
All of our lives, we have had to stop and fumble around for our keys to try and unlock our car door. It can be frustrating, especially if you are carrying a handful of groceries or a kid. With technology making our lives better with each passing day, no doubt someone finally came up with a more natural way.
You may not be able to find your car keys immediately, but you probably have your phone in your hand or very close. Now you can use your smartphone to unlock your car.
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Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 58 seconds

The future of the auto industry and Covid-19.
The coronavirus brought the entire planet to an abrupt halt and profoundly impacted many industries across the globe. The automotive industry is no exception, and what happened this year in 2020 can have lasting implications for many years to come.
The Covid-19 virus started in China and quickly spread like wildfire across the globe. Many companies were forced to shut down production or cut back to skeleton crews to curtail the virus's spread. The US alone has lost over 120,000 American lives and counting even though they closed schools and cut down on the number of people in workplaces. Unemployment has skyrocketed to unprecedented heights while Americans still struggle to make ends meet.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 47 seconds

Sanitizing your vehicle during the age of Covid-19.
The world is very different now than it was just a few months ago. With a global pandemic in the midst, every outing needs to be carefully planned with proper precautions. We know we need mask and hand sanitizer and to wash our hands frequently, but cannot forget to make sure we sanitize our vehicle every we time we drive.
Experts warn that COVID 19 can be spread by touching something that has the virus on it then touching other objects. Washing our hands is the best defense against contact spread. The virus can live on different surfaces anywhere from a few hours to days and can linger in the air for hours after an infected person has been through the area. When you are in your car, you don't have the luxury of soap and water. You can't help but touch many surfaces inside and outside of your vehicle.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 36 seconds

Protecting your car during the hot Florida Summer.
Summer is practically here, which means there's going to be a lot of heat! The hot Florida sun can sometimes become overwhelming, and when it does, it has adverse effects. One thing you'll need to protect from the hot Florida sun is your car. Here are some tips to keeping it cool and safe during the Florida summers!
There's sunny weather in Florida, but also stormy weather. These both can chip off the paint job on your car. Wash your car regularly, keeping it free from dust and dirt. Also, apply some car wax and sun protection film after you wash it, to help keep the paint new.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 41 seconds

Are Automobile Subscription Services the Future of Travel?
Subscription-based products and services are becoming more popular than ever. In the old days, the only subscription you could get was newspapers and magazines. Now the sky is the limit when it comes to goods and services through a monthly subscription.
Turn on the television or YouTube, and at any given time, you will be bombarded by commercials to get monthly subscriptions for razors, shoes, food, art supplies, and much more. There is a new surprising subscription-based trend hitting the world by storm, and it is new cars.
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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 15 seconds

COVID-19 Operational Update from Accurso Auto Repair
As COVID-19 continues to spread, we’re taking action to keep our employees and customers safe.
Keeping our nation's transportation network up and running and keeping vehicles in safe working order is important during any time of crisis. During this time, Accurso Auto Repair will continue to service our customers.
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Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 47 seconds

The hidden cost of car safety features.
Cars have been around for a long time. We replaced the horse and buggy with the first automobile over a century ago. With time comes understanding and perfection. We have come a long way since those first vehicles hit the road, especially when it comes to safety.
But with safety comes a price. When you buy a new vehicle, you want to make sure it has all of the latest and greatest safety features. To some, that is the most crucial selling point in the car buying process. You may be charged extra for these features upfront, but there are hidden costs you won't find out about until you get there.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 51 seconds

How to find the right auto repair service in The Villages®.
Driving in The Villages® sometimes is no easy feat. During snowbird season, the roads are so heavily congested; most days, you would rather stay home and avoid the traffic. But with the world we live in, we still have to venture into the chaos every couple of days. All that stop and go traffic eventually wears on your vehicle and inevitably needs repairs.
There are a variety of auto repair shops in The Villages® and surrounding areas. How do you know who is the best?
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Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 18 seconds

How to Navigate Roundabouts in The Villages®.
In America, we like to do things a little differently than the rest of the world. We measure distance differently and have unique traditions that only Americans can understand. Somethings that have only existed in Europe are now creeping into our lives, but that’s not always a bad thing. One of those things is roundabouts, especially here in The Villages®.
In the US, we have relied on traffic lights to keep the traffic flowing and to help maintain order on our busy roads. However, every situation is different, and red lights sometimes cause more traffic backups than we would like. Traffic lights at every intersection can get cumbersome and problematic.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 39 seconds

4 preventative maintenance tips for your car.
Just like getting regular checkups from a doctor for your health, preventative maintenance of your vehicle's health should never be ignored. Preventative maintenance allows you to catch small problems before they become significant problems.
Before beginning any maintenance checks, read your owner's manual.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 44 seconds

Are self driving cars perfect for The Villages®?
Every day in the news, there are new updates on the progress of self-driving cars. Right now, Google and Amazon are working on perfecting their version of autonomous vehicles for future transportation and faster deliveries. All this self-driving car talk may seem like it is decades and hundreds of miles away. But actually, The Villages® is one of the first places to test driverless cars as a viable mode of transportation.
An autonomous car company called Voyage thinks that retirement communities are the best places to get the world started with the self-driving car as a form of everyday transportation.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 55 seconds

High Tech Autos Can Cause Higher Repair Prices.
Most of us have had to deal with expensive car repairs in our lifetime of driving. Along with that, most of us have had our fair share of costly computer/phone repairs as well. So what happens when a high-tech automobile starts to have wear and tear? It can mean an even bigger bill when the two are combined. Some repairs on that fancy souped-up and loaded vehicle could cost you the price of a brand new less tech-equipped car!
It's an exciting thing to get a new vehicle, and with modern technology, all those extra bells and whistles can seal the deal. High-tech automobiles have come a long way as they always have new things added to the "extras" list in production. All's well and good until these little extras start breaking down and they leave you with upwards of $35k in repairs. While most of those extras are optional and for pure entertainment purposes only, there are new tech-driven extras whose primary goal is to ensure safety (automatic e-brakes, collision warnings, blind-spot warning/detection, etc.). These features have saved many people from what could have been fatal accidents, but when it comes to fixing them after the said accident, it adds up.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 54 seconds

What is Apple Carplay?
Our phones are integrated into our lives, and sometimes it is hard to go without them even just for a few minutes. One of the biggest concerns in this day and age is the problem of people texting and driving or just distracted by changing the song on their playlist. Apple CarPlay is the answer to all of our concerns when it comes to using our phones and driving.
You could say "well, put your phone away while driving!". But what about if you need your phone for navigation? Or are you listening to music or an audiobook on a road trip? Apple CarPlay helps you do anything you would do on your phone without you ever having to take your eyes off the road or hands of the wheel.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 54 seconds

Is the End of Gas Powered Cars on the Horizon?
Humankind has lived over a century with gas-powered automobiles. It has changed the course of history on this planet for the good and the bad. With electric-powered vehicles on the rise, could the gasoline-powered cars become a thing of the past?
Some places in the world have banned cars that are powered by gas, and places like California are looking into that possibility as well. The state is toughening up on pollution, and a ban on internal combustion engines may be the answer for a healthier and more sustainable environment. A bill was even introduced in 2018 that would ban gas-powered cars by 2040, but the California Legislature nixed it.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 12 seconds

3 Signs Your Tires Needs To Be Replaced.
Everyone wants to make sure their vehicles are running safely and in top shape. Your tires work hard every day and are exposed to the outside elements more than anything else on your car. Like everything, eventually, tires come to the end of their life and need to be replaced. A tire failure can be disastrous, especially at high speeds or in vehicles such as trucks or SUVs. Fortunately, some specific warnings signs tell you it is time to have them replaced.
Take time every month to look for these signs or wear and tear on your tires:
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 40 seconds

How often should my tires be rotated?
When it comes to our vehicle, we all love to save money while being safe on the road. There is a lot to keep up with when it comes to maintaining a vehicle. Making sure your tires are well taken care of is important to the safety of your car and others on the road. That's why your tires are rotated periodically to keep you safe and provide better performance for your car.
Your tires should be rotated about every six months or so, or every 6,000 to 8,000 miles to extend the life of the treads. During rotation,
each tire is taken off, inspected, and put into a new position. This prevents wear and tear on just one spot or one tire. Many mechanics offer tire rotation services during a routine oil change or a tune-up.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 17 seconds

What will driving in The Villages® Community look like in 10 years?
Years ago when we looked to the future of the automobile, we always imagined we would be getting around town in flying cars by now. Sadly that is not the case, but the future looks bright and green when it comes to driving in the future in The Villages® Community.
Ten years is a long way when it comes to technology; just look how far the cell phone has come in the last ten years. Now imagine what is in store in the next ten years. Automobiles are changing for the better at a lesser pace, but it also takes a while for consumers to change over to new ideas.
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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 11 seconds

What is the Future of Automobiles?
Being on the lookout for a new vehicle can be an exciting time, especially if you're in the market for a newer model. There are so many makes and models out now, but what does the future hold for newer automobiles? Electric cars have become increasingly popular in the car market but does it go further than that? Here we will dive into hybrids, plug-in hybrids, and fuel cell automobiles and show you the future of driving.
Hybrids are aptly named since they are a hybrid of electric and gas powered vehicles. These types of cars would be your Toyota Prius, Ford Fusion, and the Honda Insight for some top examples. They've been using a type of technology that's been around for decades but have become more talked about in the late 2000s and into the 2010s. While you're still using fossil fuels to help the hybrid vehicles run, it's minimal amounts compared to that of an unleaded or diesel engine. The future of the hybrid automobiles wouldn't be a massive change unless we were to switch over to electric vehicles completely. They will continue to give impressive mileage as well as very affordable pricing for hybrid vehicles. Some makers are even revamping older car models to become hybrids, like the Toyota Camry for example.
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Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 3 seconds

How Do I Know When It's Time For A New Radiator?
Just like with your own body, a temperature that's too high can be severely damaging. This is especially true for vehicles. The radiator in your vehicle is like one big temperature regulator, and the gauge on your dash is the thermometer. If that level gets a little too high and is reaching in the red zone, closer to that capital H, that's not good. But does a car running hot mean you need to replace your radiator? How do you know you need a new one before it's too late? Here you'll find some of the top warning signs that you may need to replace your radiator before you're left over-heated and stranded!
Have you noticed new, or more significant, puddles of fluid under your vehicle after being parked for a while? This could be a coolant leak. It's not easy for an untrained eye to spot this specific leak. A colored dye test should be administered by a professional to locate the source of the leak. This way, when the fluid is expelled under the vehicle, you will be able to find the cause.
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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 22 seconds

How to tell if your car has transmission problems.
It's always important to get your vehicle looked at after that check engine light comes on. It can be an easy thing to want to ignore, but every time you get in and start it up, it reminds you there's a lurking problem in your car. One of these instances could be something severe, like problems with the transmission. Thankfully there are a few more warning signs than the check engine light to let you know if your transmission is starting to go.
Do you feel a slight slipping when you switch gears? This is one of the first tell-tale signs that your transmission needs fixing. If gone unchecked, it could cause the vehicle to slip into other gears which could end in a lot of damage. If feeling a physical slip isn't as clear, this issue also comes with a loud, irritating noise that's a hard one to ignore.
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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 6 seconds

How often does my vehicle need a tune-up?
Tune-ups prevent maintenance on your car's engine. They are a service that includes the replacement of spark plugs, air filters and possibly a few other items and an oil change. In older cars, tune-ups are needed about every 30,000-45,000 miles. But today with most newer cars they can drive for much longer without a tune-up.
Conventional spark plugs have to be replaced every 30,000 to 50,000 miles. Platinum-tipped or Iridium spark plugs usually last for 50,000 to 120,000 miles.
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Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 56 seconds

Electrical Components Gone Bad.
Something almost everyone who drives will experience the sheer terror of a bright orange light appearing on their dash – the check engine light. It's an ominous premonition that sometimes comes unexpectedly and can sometimes take months, days, or even mere hours to show its impact. Some choose to ignore it and go their way, while others instantly pull into the nearest garage to figure out what's wrong. Chances are if it's not a simple issue like an overdue oil change or maybe even some extra pressure in the tires, it is probably something electrical.
If you're not car smart and also prone to ignoring those lights on your dash, consider this your sign to take it to the nearest professional. This is the first step in figuring out what's going on with the electrical components in your vehicle. A simple diagnostic (which is usually free at any repair shop) will let you and the professional know what's not working anymore and how it can be fixed.
Finish reading Electrical Components Gone Bad....
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 6 seconds

Why Does My Car Veer To The Right or Left?
Have you ever been driving down a straight road and felt as if you were struggling to keep your wheel centered? A slight shift to the right could be normal, but if it feels like your vehicle is pulling to the right or the left, this could be a big problem. There are a few things that can cause your vehicle to veer sharply to the right. The main issues could be the vehicle alignment, tires, or problems with the brakes.
If the issue is the vehicle alignment, it could mean that your tires are no longer set evenly and parallel with one another. An excellent way to realize you need a new alignment is to think back to when the vehicle last had it done. If you can't remember, it's time to get that done! Other indicators that your alignment is slipping is an unpleasant screeching sound from the tires being out of place, a crooked/hard to turn the steering wheel, and uneven wear along the tire tread, showing how uneven the alignment is.
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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 6 seconds

Your exhaust system can make your car louder.
If you're finding yourself turning up your radio to drown out a loud sound from your muffler, it's time to get to the mechanic. Having your exhaust system repaired before it gets too loud is going to save you money in the long run.
Catalytic Converter
If you notice your car making a sound like someone shaking a box of rocks, when your car is idling, you may have a missing catalytic converter. Sadly, the catalytic converter is prone to theft by thieves, as it is one of the most expensive exhaust system parts. If the problem is your catalytic converter, you'll notice a loud sound and diminished performance immediately when you start your vehicle.
Finish reading Your exhaust system can make your car louder....
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 16 seconds

Get the most out of your vehicle's A/C this Florida Summer!
Escaping the heat on a long summer day in Florida is a must. One of the easiest and most comfortable ways to cool off is to find some ice cold a/c! This is especially important when driving around, getting from point A to point B. Being stuck in a hot car with just the open windows isn't any Floridian's idea of a comfortable ride, it just gets too hot. So what's the best way to make sure you get the most out of your car's air conditioning on those close to 100 degree days? You'll find all the answers here with a few top tips!
Don't get stuck in a sweaty situation in your car this summer! Florida summers are no joke; it's essential to keep yourself comfortable and not overheated, especially on the road. Buckle up and enjoy ice cold drive in the 100-degree weather today!
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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 24 seconds

What it means to be a certified NAPA Auto Parts Dealer.
If you want to get the most life out of your vehicle, regular maintenance is critical. Your peace of mind should never be sacrificed in the process. When you see the name "NAPA" on an auto parts dealer shop, you can rest assured you will receive the best in quality and service.
For a shop to become NAPA certified, they must offer qualifications, expertise, and integrity. NAPA personnel observes each area to ensure that the shop always puts the customer's needs before everything. To remain NAPA certified, the shop must demonstrate that their best foot is always forward.
NAPA manufactures and distributes auto parts for nearly every make and model of domestic, European and Asian vehicles. Also, all NAPA parts shops must offer warranties. Should something go wrong with a NAPA certified auto part, you should have no issue with having it repaired or replaced.
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Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 59 seconds

My car keeps running hot, now what?
Few things are more panic-inducing than watching your car's temperature gauge climb to the top as you're idling, or worse, while you're driving. An engine running hot is indicative of a few different possibilities. Before we address those, first remember to follow these safety tips as soon as you realize your temperature gauge is climbing:
1. Pull over to a safe location and turn off your car's engine.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 8 seconds

What should I expect during a routine oil change?
Your car, truck, van or SUV engine will have a much longer lifespan when routine oil changes are part of your vehicle care and maintenance plan. Oil changes, depending on which service provider you choose, are either simple and basic (lube, oil, and filter job) or include 15 point inspections (checking and refilling other necessary fluids and systems in your vehicle).
Commonly, when taking your vehicle in for a routine oil change, your mechanic may discover problems with your car that you weren't aware of.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 22 seconds

5 Tips for your vehicle's transmission.
By: Nicole Stevens
There has been a time in almost everyone's lives where the check engine light came on in their vehicle, and they ignored it and prayed it would eventually just go away. Sometimes it can be something super minor, such as leaving the gas cap open while driving. Other times, it can be a warning of danger to come, and that danger could be lurking in your vehicle's transmission. Here you will find the top five indicators that the transmission is starting to fail:
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 43 seconds

How often should my tires be rotated?
Your car is an integral part of your life, and you care about maintaining it and keeping it on the road for as long as possible, which means you know the importance having your tires regularly rotated.
Tire rotation evens out tire wear and provides your car with better handling and traction. But what constitutes "regular intervals?"
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 10 seconds

How do I find out if my vehicle has any recalls?
By: Nicole Stevens
Keeping yourself safe while driving is incredibly essential. From keeping yourself undistracted and focused, to make sure your tires have the correct pressure, being safe on the road should be your number one priority. That being said, it's important to know the most up to date information on your vehicle. This is especially true with newer models that have ever-changing qualities. Every once in a while you're sure to see a news bulletin about a recalled vehicle for some various reason, but do you think you know about all the current recalls out there? Gain peace of mind and do your own research to discover if your vehicle has any possible recalls.
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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 8 seconds

5 easy tricks to improve gas mileage.
By: Nicole Stevens
The best things in life are free and everything that glitters is not gold. Those old sayings can relate to so many different things, and sometimes even go hand in hand. A perfect example of that would be something as simple as getting better gas mileage in your vehicle. There are plenty of products out there stating they can improve the gas mileage in your car over time, but the truth is that there is no special product that can deliver those kinds of promises. What can help improve gas mileage in your car is simple, non-harmful to the vehicle, and also absolutely 100% free of charge. Why it almost sounds too good to be true, butreally all it is is simple maintenance of the vehicle along with driving safely.
Finish reading 5 easy tricks to improve gas mileage....
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 1 second

How do I know when my brakes need to be checked?
Most everyone knows how to perform routine checks of their car's basic functions like gas, oil, and water, but how do you know when to check your brakes?
Depending on your driving habits and the conditions of the roads you travel frequently, a specific brake maintenance schedule is often difficult to pin down.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 49 seconds

Accurso, Napa & Motors for Military Team Up & Give Away a Car!
At Accurso Automobile Repair we love our military veterans and want to help give back whenever we can because of their dedication and sacrifice. Congratulations to Jeff McCarthy who was selected to receive a car donated by the Motors for Military, and the Intrepid Fallen Hero Fund. Jeff was given the car on October 28th.
The vehicle was given to a current military member or vet that was deemed to be in need of a vehicle. There was an entry period back in July, and the person who received the vehicle was picked through a process in which the Auto Care Centers felt the most deserving person was. They were all deserving, so it was a hard decision to make.
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Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 48 seconds

We are AAA certified, so what does that mean for you?
Since 1902, the American Automobile Association (also known as AAA) has led the auto service industry as the most trusted source for technical expertise relating to the safe use and enjoyment of motor vehicles.
To be recognized as an AAA certified Auto Repair Facility, we had to ensure our reputation and quality met stringent requirements in the AAA prescreening. But, undergoing just one inspection and pre-screening is far from what it takes to remain in good standing and hold the respectful recognition by AAA as an Approved Auto Repair Facility (AAR).
Finish reading We are AAA certified, so what does that mean for you?...
Estimated reading time: 1 minute

How often does my car need a tune-up?
Tune-ups are major services that include replacement of spark plugs, air filters and possibly a few other items and an oil change. Tune-ups are not a solution for all car issues, but rather preventative maintenance for your car's engine. In older cars, tune-ups were needed about every 30,000-45,000 miles. Nowadays, most newer drive for much longer without tune-up needs.
Traditional spark plugs have to be replaced every 30,000 to 50,000 miles. Platinum-tipped or Iridium spark plugs usually last for 50,000 to 120,000 miles.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Vehicle Safety Information
Get up-to-date vehicle and car seat safety information
Vehicle Recalls
Please select the year, make and model of your vehicle and Accurso Auto Repair will search the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for any active recalls on your vehicle.
Child Safety Seat Inspection Stations
Make sure your child safety seat(s) are installed correctly at one of the thousands of nationwide child safety seat inspection stations, certified by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Finally heading out on a road trip? Get your vehicle checked first!
The days of the pandemic are finally on the mend. Now we can take our masks off and breathe a sigh of relief and take that road trip we were planning last Summer. Taking a road trip with the whole gang is a staple in some families, and it has probably been a while since most family members have seen each other face to face. Before you set off on this adventure, making a checklist is probably one of the most important things to do. At the very top of your list shouldn't be to bring extra underwear or an extra toothbrush; nope, it should be to make sure your vehicle can handle the drive!
Finish reading Finally heading out on a road trip? Get your vehicle checked first! ...
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 20 seconds

What's That Noise and What Does it Mean?
Hearing a funny sound coming from your vehicle is never a good thing. Cars can make different noises from time to time. A squealing when you stop usually means your brake pads need to be inspected.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 9 seconds

What's coming with the Apple Car?
The Apple Car has been in speculation for years now. Everyone has always wondered when the billion-dollar company would be manufacturing cars. And now, that might actually be happening.
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Estimated reading time: 1 minute